My Epithets

1. Road Runner

I absolutely love to run! I once heard someone say that they feel like a fish getting let back into water whenever they start a long run and that's how I feel too! It's freeing, stress-relieving and exhilarating to run and push myself everyday. I have already run one marathon and am training for another one in April. My goal is to qualify for next year's Boston Marathon. If you see a crazy person out running the streets of Provo during the cold winter, that just might be me!

2. Cleveland Sportsfan

I'm from Cleveland and I am proud of it! Whether it's the Browns, the Cavs or the Indians I love routing for Cleveland sports teams. Even though we almost always lose, I feel pride for my home city and unity with my fellow Clevelanders whenever I watch the Browns fumble or the Indians strike out. While it's never easy to be a fan of teams that are always this bad, us Clevlanders always take comfort in proclaiming "just wait'll next year!" whenever our teams fall short.

3. Little Brother

I was born in to a family in which no one talks, and I mean no one. Both of my parents and both of my older siblings are about as quiet as people can be. I on the other hand love to talk, joke and socialize. People often wonder how I could be related to my family members but I say that they need me or else life would be boring. Either way I love to spend time with my older siblings and love to get them to do fun things like wear pug Christmas sweaters. 

4. Bookworm

While reading new books and taking in new stories excites me, I also have somewhat of a love-hate relationship with reading. Love, because I simply love to read. Hate, because once I start, I have trouble tearing my eyes away from the book and I can spend too much time reading and not enough time doing everything else that I need to. I get frustrated because it is often difficult for to read as much as I would like during semesters however I am always sure to catch up as soon as I get a vacation. 


  1. I really like running too. I've been trying to get back into it since getting back from the mission. (It's hard when your companions don't like running.) I'm not one for watching sports as much, but my little brother fits into your description very well. He's very outgoing while the rest of us are as reserved as the on-campus A-lots. I also like a good book, but since starting school I've had a hard time finding the time to read anything that isn't homework.

  2. I run almost every day, but I absolutely hate it. I wish I had your same feelings for running because I think running a marathon would be amazing. I once volunteered as one of the people that hands out water at the marathon they do in Provo Canyon. I was inspired by all the elderly people that were in so much better shape than me! I laughed at your comment about being a fan of losing teams. I grew up in Kansas City, and the Royals and Chiefs where horrible my entire childhood. The Royals finally got a good couple seasons and won a world series and the Chiefs might take the superbowl this year! So, just hang in there and I am sure the day will come!

  3. steve! you are such a well-rounded person. you do so many various things like running, reading, and sports. ive known you for a semester and it seems like you are always positive and with energy to get work done and help others. i think this could stem form your well rounded life style. i think the way we try to live our lives determines our attitude to all we do.

  4. Your marathon goals are inspiring! I'm not a big runner, more into other types of exercise, but I have always wished I was into running!

  5. I agree wholeheartedly with your love-hate relationship with reading. It is such a struggle during the semester when you have all these books you want to read, but don't have time to read. Or when you decide to try and read a book, but then never have time to finish it, which is one of the most annoying things ever. I think I read around 13 books during winter break because I finally had time to read!

  6. Hey, Steve! I’m from Ohio, too! Go Cavs! I’m from the Youngstown area, so sort of by Cleveland. I miss it everyday, mostly because there’s a ton of Panera bread stores there and literally none here. Also, that’s so awesome that you like to run! I wish running was something that came to me naturally but it’s just not. Hopefully you can achieve your goals soon! Just keep at it!

    -Alyssa Scarpaci


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