
Showing posts from February, 2020

Government and Power in The Book of Mormon and Ancient Greece

Steve Stenquist Professor Insalaco CL CV 201 18 February, 2020 Monarchy in the Book of Mormon and Ancient Greece Long ago, in the ancient Americas, King Mosiah warned his people of the dangers of a monarchy. He warned that kings can often be selfish and cruel, and can lead their citizens to commit acts of sin and violence. He emphasized the importance of a government controlled by the voice of the people and the law. The ancient Greeks also saw their society torn apart by wars and hardships caused by monarchical government. On countless occasions they were involved in war and violence and eventually tried to move towards a more democratic system. Despite the downfalls of a monarchy discussed in both the ancient Americas and ancient Greece, people throughout history have often been drawn to strong leaders and have repeatedly trusted them more than democracy. As shown in the Book of Mormon and in ancient Greece, a monarchical government with a prideful king will oft